Questions in DONTFORGET

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how to download save from GM server I know that it was in one of the posts but I don’t remember which one

If you had to teach a friend/acquaintance how to play DONTFORGET, which route would you recommend they take first?

Hey, I lost my password and I do not remember what it is. can someone help?

Hey RickyG I have got a question can make rejesteraition on mobile

I mean no need to do it but it would be appreciated thanks for reading adam

explain yourself


does power in ffa have a limit?

EDIT: Not the bulletspread, that's not what I mean. The power thing.

i don't know a better place to put this, but in the map-maker, how do i get music to carry over from one screen to another? if i use the same track for two connected rooms, going from one to the other causes it to cut out.

how do i exist in the game?

is 100K exp maximum exp needed to level up ?